Home > Fandom > Does Canon Matter? Part 1 – Doctor Who

Does Canon Matter? Part 1 – Doctor Who

DW2150I set out to do a quick talk about the role of canon in various fandoms and it turned into a massive lecture that I’ll have to split into multiple parts. So, here’s the first part, wherein I talk at length about the canon of Doctor Who (and quite possibly tick off some of my fellow Whovians).

NOTE: I’ve noticed I use the word “series” a lot in this episode. For the most part, I’m using the American meaning of the word (the entirety of a single show’s run), though there is one point in the middle where I try to switch to the UK meaning (when I’m talking about people being familiar with “the current series and the previous series” – by which I mean the current season and the previous season) but despite my effort to grammatically hop the pond, I clumsily fall back into the Standard `Murican definition pretty quickly after that.


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